About This Blog

Warning: Mature Content

This blog discusses more mature themes. By proceeding you are indicating you are over the age of 18 and permitted to view adult material in your legal jurisdiction.

With that out of the way, welcome!

Monkeys & Typewriters

A personal blog of random thoughts, items I might otherwise put in a Second Life profile but don’t have enough room, or guides to help other users out.

If you’re unfamiliar with Second Life, aspects may sound strange or even absurd. Maybe it’ll sound that way anyway!

SL’s a fascinating little corner of virtual worlds. While no Ready Player One, it’s accessible to many and has limitless potential bounded only by your imagination (ok, and your expenditure!). It’s been a second home and life for me for a few years now. High time I wrote a little about it.

This blog is written from that pseudonymous in-world perspective & in support of it, so it’s unlikely to touch on much in the way of other worldly subjects; other blogs can do that.